Luna’s Legacy Lives On: Dua Mahfil on Dohatec HQ

On 17th February 2024, Dohatec marked a bittersweet day of remembrance, three years after the passing of its visionary leader, Luna Shamsuddoha. Despite the passage of time, her profound influence on the company and the lives she touched remained vividly present. Several Dua Mahfils were organized across various locations to honor her memory and celebrate her enduring legacy.

In the morning, the employees of Dohatec gathered at the company’s headquarters in Paltan. They exchanged pleasantries while waiting for the dua mahfil, which was scheduled to take place after the dhuhr prayer in the afternoon. Once the prayer was over, the dua mahfil began, where the employees prayed for the peaceful rest of their departed mentor.

Further commemorations took place at “Noor Jam-e Mosque” and “Gulshan Jam-e Mosque” after the Asr prayer, drawing together a broader community ranging from government officials and fellow entrepreneurs to young developers and aspiring women leaders. These gatherings were poignant reflections of Luna’s widespread impact, characterized by shared memories, tears, and prayers that celebrated her values of innovation, inclusivity, and faith in the transformative power of technology.

Luna Shamsuddoha’s contributions transcended the technological realm, influencing society and encouraging ethical practices. She was pivotal in founding Bangladesh Women in Technology (BWIT), a platform dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs and innovators. Notably, Luna became the first woman to lead a state-owned bank in Bangladesh, assuming the role of Chairperson at Janata Bank.

Luna’s legacy is synonymous with courage, resilience, and the belief in the potential of dreams. She broke stereotypes, challenged societal expectations, and laid the groundwork for future generations of Bangladeshi women to aspire to greater heights. On her death anniversary, the Dua Mahfils served as tributes and a renewal of the values she championed.

As Dohatec continues its journey, it is committed to upholding the principles Luna Shamsuddoha instilled. Innovation, belief in technology’s power, and inclusivity remain the core pillars that guide the company’s direction and future endeavours.

Her legacy persists beyond Dohatec, living on in the empowered women, inspired youths, and the communities she impacted. Luna Shamsuddoha’s spirit is woven into Bangladesh’s digital landscape, standing as a beacon for those who dare to dream, challenge, and envision a brighter future. As long as these dreams continue to inspire, as long as challenges are met with courage, and as long as the belief in a better tomorrow fuels innovation, Luna Shamsuddoha’s legacy will continue to live on. It will live on in the hearts of those who knew her and in the essence of a nation transformed.

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