Dohatec’s eGP Training Session Gets Near-Perfect Participation

Dohatec New Media recently conducted e-GP Tenderer training sessions across three locations in Dhaka – Hossain Tower, Unique Heights, and Taj Casilina 1 & 2. These training sessions aim to equip tenderers with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the e-GP system effectively. 

The training sessions, organized to introduce the e-GP platform, drew an overwhelmingly positive response from the participants, with almost 100% attendance throughout the sessions. This enthusiastic participation is a clear indication of the growing interest and commitment among tenderers to embrace the e-GP system. The successful implementation of the electronic procurement platform aims to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the public procurement process. This platform will enable the government to streamline the procurement process, reduce the turnaround time, and increase procurement efficiency. The electronic platform will eliminate delays, reduce errors, and minimize opportunities for corruption by transitioning from manual processes to the e-GP platform, thus ensuring a fair and equitable procurement process. Additionally, the e-GP platform will provide a centralized platform for all procurement-related activities, making the process more accessible, cost-effective, and convenient for all stakeholders involved.

Throughout the training program, Dohatec New Media offered a comprehensive curriculum that delved into various subjects related to the e-GP system. The trainers covered multiple topics, which equipped the participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate the e-GP system efficiently. The trainers created a highly interactive learning environment that encouraged active participation from the participants. This collaborative approach helped the participants gain a thorough comprehension of the e-GP system and its various intricacies. 

Overall, the training program was a resounding success, thanks to the trainers’ expertise and the interactive learning environment they created. The participants left the program feeling confident and well-equipped to use the e-GP system effectively.

The significant level of participation in the eGP Tenderer training sessions is a clear indication of the unwavering dedication of the tendering community to embrace the digital age of public procurement. The tenderers have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize the e-GP system to its full potential by participating in these comprehensive training sessions. This will ultimately lead to a more transparent, efficient, and accountable procurement process in Bangladesh, as tenderers are now better equipped to participate in the procurement process, submit their bids, and monitor the progress of their proposals. The strong commitment of the tendering community to adapt to the digital era of public procurement is truly commendable, and we are confident that this will result in significant improvements in the procurement process in Bangladesh.

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