Digital security is a well-known word nowadays. Securing one’s digital identity is fundamental as the world is becoming increasingly digitalized. Digital identity represents the physical identity of someone within the […]
Social Media Marketing on the rise: Is it the future?
Social Media Marketing, or SMM, is a widely discussed phenomenon in current times. It is a form of internet marketing that utilizes social media platforms to promote products or services. […]
Bangladesh’s Space Ambitions: A Boon or a Bane?
In a country like ours, space research could be seen as a luxury that we can’t afford. But in this era, space research should not be limited to first-world countries. […]
Investing in Tomorrow: The Future of Investment
Investment is a word that becomes more and more important to us as we grow up. Investment refers to putting some resource, usually money, into something to generate income or […]
Dohatec Showcases Innovative Solutions for Government at Colombo Retreat
The picturesque capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, held an assembly of the market leaders regarding GovTech and e-Governance on August 17-18, 2023. This assembly included representatives from the government of […]
Green Tech Revolution: Big Names Going Miles
Even though it’s now on the rise, eco-friendliness is not a new trend. People are more aware than ever and want to leave a better world behind for generations. Climate […]
Cashless Bangladesh: a door of many opportunities
The world around us is changing. The way we pay for things is changing. This change is happening in Bangladesh, too. We are used to paying in cash in transactions, […]
ECPS: Construction Made Easier
Construction of a building isn’t an easy process, more so in the case of Dhaka city. As one of the most densely populated cities in the world, there are many […]
The 35th Sensitization Workshop on the e-PMIS System was successfully held at the Dohatec Office with the ADP Project Directors
In an effort to bolster project management practices and enhance efficiency workshop on Sensitization with the (Annual Development Plan) ADP enlisted Project directors have been being held at Dohatec’s training […]
Usage Of The Ecps System Has Started Revolutionizes Engineering Approvals Process
The Engineering Certification and Permitting System (ECPS) has started a new era in engineering approvals, as diverse stakeholders embrace its advanced capabilities. The system’s implementation has garnered widespread praise for […]